I have veeeeery similar configuration and I get the same error.

Have you managed to resolve this issue?


On 28 нов, 23:50, PeteUK <newbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Nov 28, 5:57 pm, Rajeev Dayal <rda...@google.com> wrote:
> > If you look at Project Properties -> Google -> Web Toolkit, what is
> > mentioned for the GWT SDK? Also, if you navigate to Window -> Show View ->
> > Error Log, do you see any errors listed there?
> Rajeev,
> The Web Toolkit in use is (specific SDK): "C:\M2Repository\com\google
> \gwt - 2.1.0". There is also a radio button to "Use default SDK (GWT -
> 2.1.0)" but it is not selected.
> N.B. C:\M2Repository is my local repository as specified in Maven's
> ~/.m2/settings.xml.
> In the Error Log I have 5 warnings and one error:
> Warnings:
> 1): The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session;
> refreshing workspace to recover changes.
> 2): While loading class
> "com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.resources.GdtImages", thread
> "Thread[main,6,main]" timed out waiting (5000ms) for thread
> "Thread[Worker-1,5,main]" to finish starting bundle
> "com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite_1.4.0.v201010280102 [12]". To avoid
> deadlock, thread "Thread[main,6,main]" is proceeding but
> "com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.resources.GdtImages" may not be fully
> initialized.
> 3) Same as #2 but for class
> com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.update.ui.UpdateNotificationControlContributio n.
> 4) Same as #2 but for class
> com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.update.ui.UpdateNotificationControlContributio n
> $1
> 5) Same for
> com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.update.ui.UpdateNotificationControlContributio n
> $2
> Error:
> 1) Unable to update index for central|http://repo1.maven.org/maven2.
> The lowest part of the stack is: java.io.IOException: Transfer for
> nexus-maven-repository-index.properties failed; Transfer error: null
> Thanks,
> Pete

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