Thanks Sri. That makes complete sense. I'd totally forgotten about

On Dec 29, 11:12 am, Sripathi Krishnan <>
> > *Also, in the discussion I saw about this, it was said that it was
> > more secure to send the session ID in the RPC itself instead of getting
> > it from the header/cookie. Why is this? Does GWT add something extra like a
> > hash to make sure the RPC hasn't been tampered with?*
> *
> *
> *GWT doesn't do anything special with RPC to make it tamper-proof. *
> The cookie is treated specially by the browser.  The browser will
> automatically send the cookie to the server regardless of any client or
> server code explicitly asking for it. If you rely blindly on it, your code
> will be susceptible to CSRF attacks.
> A header cannot be manipulated easily. If you "double-submit the session id"
> - once in a custom header and once in the session cookie - and then compare
> that both the ids are same - you prevent CSRF. If you prefer, you can also
> send the header as a GET parameter.
> But why maintain the session id in the cookie if it is such a hassle?
> Because that way you can leverage your application servers/frameworks
> inbuilt session handling mechanism. There is no point in re-inventing the
> wheel.
> If you haven't done so, please read GWT
> security<>to
> understand why this "double submit session id" approach works.
> For code, see notes below -
> *Client Side*
>    1. RPC async interface implements ServiceDefTarget. Using this interface,
>    you can set a custom RpcRequestBuilder
>    2. In your custom RpcRequestBuilder, override the doCreate() call
>    super.doCreate() and get an instance of RequestBuilder
>    3. Once you get the instance of RequestBuilder - add a custom http header
>    via the setHeader() method. The value of this header would be the session
>    id.
>    4. See code below -
> //In a global file
> public static final RpcRequestBuilder global_rpc_request_builder = new
> RpcRequestBuilder() {
> �...@override
> protected RequestBuilder doCreate(String serviceEntryPoint) {
>  /*
>  * This RequestBuilder is used to make a RPC request
>  */
>  RequestBuilder builder = super.doCreate(serviceEntryPoint);
> builder.setHeader("SESSION_ID", getSessionIdFromCookie());
>  return builder;
> }
> };
> //Before invoking RPC method
> GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
> ((ServiceDefTarget)greetingService).setRpcRequestBuilder(global_rpc_request_builder);
> //Now invoke the RPC method
> greetingService.greetServer("Hello World", callback);
> *Server side*
> This is straightforward - read the header from the request object, and
> compare the session id in header with the one you get from the session
> cookie.
> --Sri
> On 29 December 2010 21:01, Falcon <> wrote:
> > Also, in the discussion I saw about this, it was said that it was more
> > secure to send the session ID in the RPC itself instead of getting it
> > from the header/cookie. Why is this? Does GWT add something extra like
> > a hash to make sure the RPC hasn't been tampered with?
> > On Dec 29, 9:24 am, Falcon <> wrote:
> > > I'm trying to send the session ID with every RPC request my GWT
> > > application makes and handle our login context. On the server, it
> > > looks like you can handle that by overriding
> > > onAfterRequestDeserialized() and onAfterResponseSerialized() (we don't
> > > need to add any information to the outgoing payload, just destroy the
> > > login context, so we can do this after serialization).
> > > However, I'm not sure what I need to override on the client since
> > > RemoteService is just an interface. I know GWT is doing some magic
> > > with GWT.create(). Ideally, I'd like to extend RemoteService with a
> > > new class, then extend that new class for all of my RPCs that needed
> > > to send the session IDs automatically and then put the session ID
> > > somewhere in the payload before the RPC was serialized to send across
> > > the wire to the server. This just seems to make more sense to me than
> > > having the session ID be a part of every single RPC method signature.
> > > Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
> > --
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