If you are supporting paging, then a local sort will only sort the current
page, whereas a database sort would sort the data return the results for the
current page.  For example, if you are on the first page and do a reverse
sort, do you want to see all the names that start with z (database sort), or
do you want to see all of the names that start with a in reverse order
(local sort of the current page).

That being said, you can cache the values locally in a list and use
ListSortHandler.  Alternatively, you can add a ColumnSortEvent.Handler to
CellTable and copy and sort the return of CellTable#getVisibleItems().  The
code would be something like the following:

cellTable.addColumnSortHandler(new ColumnSortEvent.Handler() {
  public void onColumnSort(ColumnSortEvent event) {
    List<T> newData = new ArrayList(cellTable.getVisibleItems()); // Copy
the data
    if (event.isSortAscending) {
      Collections.sort(newData, myAscComparator); // Sort ascending.
    } else {
      Collections.sort(newData, myDescComparator); // Sort descending.
    cellTable.setRowData(cellTable.getVisibleRange(), newData);

John LaBanca

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Josh K <kendrick.j...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been developing an application in GWT that has data I've been
> displaying in a CellTable. I've set it up with a few TextColumns and a
> few EditTextColumns. I've got it set up to where if someone changes
> the data in an EditText cell, it sends an asynchronous request to the
> database and updates that row in the DB table. In short, I've got all
> this working using AsyncCallbacks and an AsyncDataProvider.
> Since 2.2 came out, I want to implement column sorting, kind of like
> is seen in this example:
> http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html#!CwCellTable
> , but with an AsyncDataProvider. I want to sort the columns locally
> because I think it'd be faster than making an Async DB call again each
> time someone clicks to sort (which is the impression of what was
> supposed to happen if I used an AsyncHandler.
> So I THINK what I'm looking for is some way to use a ListHandler with
> an AsyncDataProvider?
> Can anyone shed some light on this? Maybe done it before or know the
> direction I'm supposed to? If it's even do-able?
> --
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