Here's the question you want to ask yourself: "Why am I using an
AsyncDataProvider and data paging?"

Because I use one in my app with sortable columns.  And I'm using one
because I've got thousands to tens of thousands of rows of data to
display.  And since I don't want to try to download all that data in
one go, I sort things on the server (actually, I sort the data within
the database, and get a scrollable results set with everything in the
right order).

If you really have a little enough data that you want to sort it on
the client, do yourself a favor, and just download all the data and
don't use the AsyncDataProvider at all.


On Feb 13, 11:53 pm, Josh K <> wrote:
> I've been developing an application in GWT that has data I've been
> displaying in a CellTable. I've set it up with a few TextColumns and a
> few EditTextColumns. I've got it set up to where if someone changes
> the data in an EditText cell, it sends an asynchronous request to the
> database and updates that row in the DB table. In short, I've got all
> this working using AsyncCallbacks and an AsyncDataProvider.
> Since 2.2 came out, I want to implement column sorting, kind of like
> is seen in this 
> example:!CwCellTable
> , but with an AsyncDataProvider. I want to sort the columns locally
> because I think it'd be faster than making an Async DB call again each
> time someone clicks to sort (which is the impression of what was
> supposed to happen if I used an AsyncHandler.
> So I THINK what I'm looking for is some way to use a ListHandler with
> an AsyncDataProvider?
> Can anyone shed some light on this? Maybe done it before or know the
> direction I'm supposed to? If it's even do-able?

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