Hi everybody!

I'm really breaking my mind. First of all, I'm using GWT 2.2.0.

I'm using Flowplayer to play videos in my web. In a first time, I had
added the player and the video in the html file, in this way:

<script type="text/javascript" src="prueba_web/

        <a href='/videos/u2.flv' style='display:block;margin:0 auto;height:
300px;width:400px;' id='id_video'> </a>
        <script>flowplayer('video', reproFLOWPLAYER);</script>

    <div id='other_contents' name='other_contents'></div>

No problem here, Firefox and IE showed my video. But when I add this
lines to the file where the method onModuleLoad is, Firefox still
works, not IE. I've done it in this way:

        String flowStr = "<a href='/videos/u2.flv'
style='display:block;margin:0 auto;height:300px;width:400px;'
id='video'> </a>";
         flowStr = flowStr.concat("<script>flowplayer('video',

       Label lab = new Label();

This doesn't work in IE, in Firefox there's no problem at all. I
really need your help!!!!

Thanks in advance!!

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