On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:45:54 PM UTC, Jens wrote:
> I know it is a GWT group but as GWT uses embedded Jetty I hope someone with 
> a deeper Jetty knowledge is reading my questions and willing to answer :)
> We currently use Glassfish 3.1 with the following features:
> - EJB 3.1 Lite (only local no-interface beans, mainly for using @EJB)
> - @ManagedBean on some classes to be able to use @EJB inside
> - JPA 2.x (Eclipselink)
> - JAX-RS 1.1
> - Servlet 3.0
> - Session Failover / Clustering
> - Connection pooling and validation
> - maybe in the future: web sockets / push

Support for Servlet 3.0 is implemented in Jetty 8, which is not stable.

> Our server code is pretty stateless and with some rewrite I guess we could 
> get rid of @ManagedBean classes and maybe also of EJBs as we only use them 
> for easy @EJB injection (could be done with google guice also).
> Is it possible to integrate these features into Jetty? Do you think this 
> will result in some performance increase (and memory reduce)? Does anyone 
> use GWT + Jetty in production or even has compared Jetty + J2EE features 
> with Glassfish? If its possible to integrate all of these features, how 
> robust is session failover / clustering?
> Could we also configure the embedded jetty used by GWT Eclipse Plugin to 
> match our production settings (J2EE features + same application context root 
> + hot redeploy)?
> Thanks in advance.
We have services running on Glassfish 2.1.1, 3.0.1 and 3.1, but in my team 
we are using embedded jetty during development. At the end, we generate a 
WAR that we deploy to a remote server using the asadmin command.

We are not yet using Jetty in production, but we intend to do it later. We 
always had some problems with Glassfish that we never managed to solve. The 
six-monthly releases (iirc) does not help when it comes to bugs. Moreover, 
we only use a small part of JEE standard.

The Jetty documentation is excellent. There are examples with connection 
pooling, clustering, websockets

When it comes the performance, I think that Jetty is better.

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