gwt.user wrote:
> @Ivan Do i sence a litlle jealousy goin on ?  Or do you just need
> some attention ?

Ivan appears to have jumped to conclusions.  Nobody knows your
identity because you have chosen to hide it behind the alias  At the same time, you are busy advocating for
gwt4air, and not doing much else besides:"";

I beg your pardon, but these two facts make you an unreliable source
of information in this particular thread.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

gwt.user wrote:
> @Ivan
> Do i sence a litlle jealousy  goin on ?
> Or do  you just need some attention ?
> What about you building or even plagiarize anything usefull so someone
> can also talk about you ?
> Now let me sign with "Alain" again so you have something to talk about.
> (Because you cant think by yourself that this was a copy and paste
> mistake)
> Alain

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