thx for the info jens,

do you say there is no way to keep the browser responsive but to do less 
work/ transfer less data on/to client? is there at least a way to keep 
browser responsive if browser has to do much work/logic?

if i understood it right: transfer much data is worse than to do much work 
on client side? so all efforts should go into reducing data amounts 
transfered to client? but lets assume for a moment that the rpc-call isn't 
the problem but the logic that handles the data received. could this cause 
a freeze of the browser? if yes how to avoid it? probably by using 
schedulInterupted? how to use it?

or how to optimize the view in the way you suggested? At the moment the 
view shows the filtered tree and keeps an unfiltered tree to provide the 
tree faster if user clears the filter/resets the tree. the tree rendeing 
and realtime filtering is very fast - i think no incremental command 
is necessary. the only problem is the first loading/rendering of the tree - 
the tree is submitted in an very special data structure (arrayList, 
composite pattern) that makes live filter as fast as it is.

i could try to create this structure on client side (more logic less 

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