Same problem here and I was just looking for a solution

On Feb 8, 10:52 pm, Transplant <> wrote:
> I'm trying to use GWT Designer design mode with the mGWT mobile widget
> library. I can reference the library widgets in XML and compile/run
> just fine, but when I try to switch from XML Source mode to Design
> mode in GWT Designer I get a runtime exception:
> Internal Error
>    encountered unexpected internal error.
>    This could be caused by a bug or by a misconfiguration issue,
> conflict, partial update, etc.
>    java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
> '' (did you forget to inherit a
> required module?)
> The mgwt library is in the build path, and I can freely use its
> classes in UIBinder XML files, but it always barfs up when I try to
> enter design mode. Since mGWT defines a larger number of target
> platforms than vanilla GWT, is it possible that GWT Designer is asking
> the mGWT library to instantiate an implementation of DOMImpl for a
> platform that base GWT doesn't have - causing the above exception?
> Since most of the mobile platforms share the same or similar DOM
> implementation (a la webkit) is there some way for the mGWT library to
> tell GWT Designer to use a safari implementation of DOMImpl as the
> default?
> Thanks in advance,

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