Hi all,

I'm going to start a new app and I'm interested in using activities and

I've read the articles of the official page of gwt devguide, the Thomas
Broyer's posts, some questions in Stack Overflow, and I think I have a
general idea.

I'm sure when I start to coding I'll understand better/completely all the
concepts, but before to start I think is better to ask some questions that
I don't understand enough well.

In the last apps that I've worked we were using the GWTP plugin, and now is
difficult to me understand one architecture that doesn't have presenters
that contains others presenters (activities that contains other activities).

For example, in my app I'll have two regions that need all the screen
(general section and blog section). Each section has different regions and
different behaviour in  each region. With gwtp I should create a
GeneralPresenter (with the generalFoo1PresenterWidget,
generalFoo2PResenterWidget inside) and BlogPresenter  (with other
Presenters and PresentersWidgets Inside), but with Activities is

Any ideas or comments? I think there are some solutions, but I don't know
what the best way to solve this.

Thank you in advance.


El precio es lo que pagas. El valor es lo que recibes.
Warren Buffet

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