I'm just repeating what @Viktor said :
1) Create your portlet (without GWT)

If you don't know how to create a portlet, it is a big question : you
should looking for a proper portlet tutorial.
It cannot be answer in the email like that.

Use Spring MVC for example, it can help you to do that.


And then ..
2) Add a GWT in your portlet body by putting :

<script language="javascript" src="${contextPath}/


On Mar 10, 8:43 am, Nitheesh Chandran <nithe...@dotentreprise.com>
> Can you tell me more specifically ? I want to create a portlet then
> integrate that with GWT app. How to create portlet ,then how to
> integrate it with gwt app ?
> On Mar 9, 3:26 pm, Nitheesh Chandran <nithe...@dotentreprise.com>
> wrote:
> > Sorry gwt-portlet.jar
> > On Mar 9, 3:20 pm, Nitheesh Chandran <nithe...@dotentreprise.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Hello ,
> > > I want to create portlet using GWT. I searched in the Internet and
> > > downloaded get-portlet.jar. But the hello world app failed. Is there
> > > any other way for creating portlet in GWT. ? Helps will be
> > > appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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