On Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:33:31 AM UTC+1, Elizabeth Lemon wrote:
> Thanks so much for replying! 
> I read that JavaScriptObjects are an opaque handle in the javadoc 
> http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/1.6/com/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject.html

You might want to read the latest javadoc: 
(it hasn't changed for JavaScriptObject since GWT 1.6, but still).
What the javadoc is trying to express is that a JSO is not a classical Java 
object, it's just, as I said earlier, a "shim" that allows you to access a 
JS object from your Java code.
It might also be a legacy of the times where you couldn't/shouldn't extend 
JSO (GWT 1.5 and earlier, "overlay types" were not officially supported at 
that time).

> When you mentioned how server side performance is different, is it 
> because of the protocol used to marshall and unmarshall the data once 
> it arrives on the server?

Partly this, partly the semantics of the protocol. RequestFactory does more 
than simply calling methods remotely.

> You mentioned that the DOM is much more of an issue? In what sense? 
> And how does one go about optimizing for this?

and various other Google I/O sessions.

I always believed that gwt's deserialization via gwtrpc back into the 
> client side was the bottleneck.  Which is why I began to consider 
> other options such as JavaScript Overlay Types.  But then again, I 
> guess forgot that I would have to manage the JSON (or turn them into 
> POJOs, the advantage of GWTRPC you were speaking of I assume?)

Did I ever said anything about an advantage of GWT-RPC over something else? 

> on the 
> server as well.  I suppose the plus side to this is that there is very 
> little deserialization that is needed to be done on the client side. 
> Would I be correct in saying that, since I can't change the speed of 
> my client's computer, I should place the deserialization/serialization 
> work on the server (which I could always allocate more resources for? 
> I guess really I'm looking for bottlenecks or an architecture that 
> would give great scalability~

You probably know the common wisdom about "premature optimization"?
Don't try to solve a problem you don't have (yet?).

FYI, Google Groups uses GWT-RPC.

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