On Saturday, March 17, 2012 6:22:07 PM UTC+1, Joseph Lust wrote:
> Kanagaral,
> I added a section to the GWT Wikipedia page on enterprise usage of GWT. I 
> wrote up what I thought to be the salient features that made my employer 
> choose it as our strategic technology choice. Feel free to add any other 
> reasons, or examples you might think of (and add any translations if you 
> like).
> Also, anyone else in GWT community chime in too. Frankly I find GWT far 
> more powerful than many other existing frameworks, yet many developers are 
> unaware of this and choose not to use it. I think it is critical for us to 
> promulgate its strengths. Hopefully burnishing this article will give COO's 
> a justification for GWT usage.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Web_Toolkit#Enterprise_Usage

I'm not sure Java makes it any *easier* to unit-test than JS. Node.js and 
other similar "standalone JS runners" (V8, SpiderMonkey, etc.), or things 
like http://code.google.com/p/google-js-test/ make it quite easy to write 
and run unit-tests too; and there are tools to run them in HtmlUnit or real 
browsers if you need (just like GWTTestCase). They are just different tools 
because JS is a different technology than Java, but I don't think ones make 
it "easier" than the others. It might be easier for you you if you have a 
Java background, but that's about you then, not about the tools per se.

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