
Perhaps that line had too much Java love on it. I based that on my 
experience of writing some quite elaborate pure JS applications for the two 
years in ExtJs (backed by Struts) before moving to GWT. In those 
applications (100K+ Js lines) it was just a serious pain that there was:

   - No type checking, classes (can be emulated), or interfaces.
   - No compiler (you can use the YUI tools, but that is just a compressor. 
   Closure is a error generator for legacy code bases. )
   - No compiler/package/import structure to ensure each page had the 
   correct resources automatically.
   - No simple testing structure to automatically run unit tests and 
   collect reports while running inside an emulated browser (i.e. w/ TC or 
   - Discovery of issues (i.e. missing CSS class or image, improperly 
   nested ']' ) before running application.
   - JS debuggers, while they've come a long way, still don't compare with 
   GWT's Eclipse/browser debugging integration (i.e. Firebug debugger 
   continues to have wonky behavior).

I guess I should rephrase "easier than," but I still think that working in 
pure JS requires a bespoke, piecemeal toolchain which is more complex to 
utilize and less feature rich than an out of the box Eclipse+GWT setup. 
Does anyone else have anything to add to make the case that GWT should be 
used in WebApps?


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