I have a fairly simple question here.  Hopefully someone can shed some 
light on the subject for me.  Real quick heres what I am working with:

I am using the MVP with architecture using Activities and Places with 
RequestFactory to do my backend services. 

Now heres the question:

How would I persist a new object within my Activity class if all the 
information for that object is within my implemented View class?  For 
example, say I have a View that has a two textboxes that hold string 
values. I have a server side entity object that has a setter for both 
string values, but I have to access that setter value through the 
EntityProxy interface because of the separation of client server.  Now I 
cannot instantiate an EntityProxy interface to hold the values for my 
strings in my textboxes.  And here lies the problem.  How do i get the 
values from all the textboxes in an object to send to the Activity(to do 
server side work) if the proxy to that object is accessed through an 

Thanks in advance

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