Hi there,

I am new to GWT and web design in general. I am required to design a
web application that has different kinds of accounts with different
privileges(e.g. admin, normal) for my bachelor degree. I searched the
web for some time and never found information on how to implement
accounts in a GWT application. Good stuff about login and storing
passwords securely, but never about the whole thing. I hope you are
able to help me.

1. Do I have to make some special arrangements for my page to allow
multiple users to use it? By special arrangements I mean e.g setting
up classes which handle account stuff, maybe they're already built
into GWT.

2. My application uses database functionality extensively(actually
it's SQL queries hidden by a GUI, so no fancy algorithms involved), so
to ensure that the database can be accessed with multiple accounts
simultaneously and remain consistent, do i have to do some kind of
threading for the accounts? Do i have to put for each account a new
java thread on the server side which handles all methods accessing the
database. Of course these methods then must be synchronized. Or is
there some easier way to do this(if my approach works at all, haven't
tried it out yet)?

3. How can I ensure my user can only see the parts of the page he is
supposed to and not the ones he isn't? By what means can I enforce
this in a GWT application? My approach here would be some global
variable set when he logs in which identifies the user as e.g. admin
and then check on every view transition if the user can access this
view. Are there any guidelines from Google I was too stupid to find?

As you may see, i have put some thought into the matter, but I like to
get it right the first time, so I look for feedback on what works and
what doesn't. To me it's frustrating being halfway through programming
only to realize that the approach I was taking does not work and all
the hours were for nothing.

So thanks in advance for any replies.

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