yes, I miss the opening quote '
and I find in css, if using development mode, the url has a "/" at the 

>  background-image:url('/images/line.png');
but if in production mode, the url has no "/" at the beginning

> background-image:url('images/line.png'); 

the reason is really unknown.

But now I face another strange problem, the code is as follow:

> public class TestFlowPanelLeft extends FlowPanel {
>     public void onLoad(){
>         HorizontalPanel outer = new HorizontalPanel();
>         outer.setSize("100%", "30px");
>         outer.setBorderWidth(10);
>         HorizontalPanel left1 = new HorizontalPanel();
>         left1.add(new Label("see?"));
>         outer.add(left1);
>         HorizontalPanel left2 = new HorizontalPanel();
>         left2.addStyleName("backGroundImage1");
>         //left2.setSize("100%", "100%"); cannot show left2!!
>         left2.setSize("100%", "10px");
>         outer.add(left2);
>         this.add(outer);        
>     }
> }

I try to set left2 height to 100%, and because outer is 30px, so I expect 
left2 can show correctly, but the result is not!!
I need to explicit set the height of left2.

the css of backGroundImage1 is

> .backGroundImage1{
>     background-image:url('/images/line.png');
>     background-repeat:repeat-x;
> }

if I set the height of left2 to 10px, the output is as attached.
why if I set the height of left2 to 100%, left2 cannot be shown?!! 

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<<attachment: layoutproblem2.jpg>>

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