Thanks for clarification, Paul.

BTW, do you know if there anywhere I could find documents on the
serialization tricks like this.
You need to read the docs carefully about what it means to be GWT serializable:

Even so, you will occasionally find yourself having missed something, like 
failing to provide a no-arg constructor.

The other thing to bear in mind is that your RPC API and serializable types 
should declare classes that are as specific as possible. That means your API 
should include ArrayList in preference to List, contrary to standard Java 
practice. If you declare List (or worse still, Serializable) as the data type 
of some RPC parameter, then GWT will have to generate serialization code for 
every implementation of List rather than just the one required.
The abstract class usage is a very common programming way for java.
Yes, but that issue was complaining about a lack of compiler warnings or errors 
for what the issue creator thought (not unreasonably) should have been reported 
as an error. Serializing abstract classes does work.


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