On Saturday, July 7, 2012 1:46:24 AM UTC+2, Murray wrote:
> Thomas,
> The uncertainty spooks me just a little, since the rumors started I have 
> been going over in my head what
> It would take to retool my existing app to a
> Jsp/appengine app, and so far I like what I am thinking, especially given 
> the new Rest features announced at IO.
> What are your thoughts on appengine vs gwt, to be honest I trust Google 
> more than the community.
To me, comparing JSP/AppEngine with GWT is like comparing Ruby on Rails 
with jQuery (minus the GWT-RPC/RequestFactory features/protocols).
GWT is a client-side tool, JSP/AppEngine is a server-side platform, they're 
not comparable.

All the apps I've made or seen made with GWT could have been done with 
something else (jQuery, Closure, etc. on the client-side; Java, .NET, 
Rails, PHP, etc. on the server-side). GWT is just a tool, it definitely 
*is* replaceable. The difference will be the level of tooling, and your 
tastes. Technically, GMail could have been built with GWT, just like Groups 
could have been built with Closure.
Given the "spring cleanings" and pricing changes done by Google on their 
services and APIs, I'm not sure they're that much worried about "saving 
face" and fainting they're not abandoning GWT if that's what they actually 
do (they invested during 5 years before Wave was made public, they had 
partners who started building business around Wave, and they shut it down 
after 2 years with no replacement –Apache Wave is far from providing all 
that Google Wave had– they could very well have announced that they'd 
switch to another tool for their apps at the time they announced they'll 
close their Atlanta offices, that'd have been the perfect timing). Of 
course I could be wrong; I pray I'm not (there are many signs of health for 
"GWT at Google" though, despite the recent hard blows).

If you think you'd better switch to something else, go with it; GWT is not 
a one-size-fits-all tool, such a thing does not exist.

As for the Google Cloud Endpoints; they look really great, and yes, go with 
it if your needs and requirements fit their constraints. Otherwise, well, I 
bet there will be equivalents that are not tied to AppEngine, and/or with 
other features or constraints. These are inspired by JAX-RS, or 
RequestFactory, or SOAP, with slightly different characteristics (generates 
JS and ObjC clients contrary to the Java-centric approach of 
RequestFactory, but without batching and "identity" –EntityProxy–, with 
JSON discovery contrary to SOAP's WSDL, but similarly to Swagger or 
And if you wonder, there will probably be a Google Cloud Endpoint client 
for GWT, if not already, as https://code.google.com/apis/console/ and 
https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/ are GWT apps.

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