Thank you very much Thomas for the expanded answer. (I'm somewhat worried 
about GWT as a "bus factor" looks close to one).

I understand what you say, but my question is more of an Elemental consumer 
nature. I mean it's definitely a big time saver for the GWT team to 
generate semi-magically all java wrappers for all existing and forthcoming 
features, it makes keeping GWT up to date much easier, but from GWT 
consumer point of view (i.e. all developers using GWT not developing it) it 
buys what? It's definitely better to have 5 permutations (e.g. per locale) 
instead of 30 but that's just compilation time, so it's nice but not 
critical. Also supporting old browsers still will add a few extra 
permutations anyway. 
The unit-test factor is probably important if you have them - I'm so far 
from them in my adventure, that I cannot appreciate this.
Removing all extra layers. Hmm... If we get too close to DOM and JavaScript 
then GWT advantage may be questioned as well. Java being a statically typed 
language is a double-edged sword. Those programming closer to the metal in 
fact prefer to stay behind extra layers of abstractions be it jQuery, 
CoffeeScript or Backbone.js.
Again I'm not questioning Elemental utility greatness, but so far it looks 
to be much more important to GWT "internally" than to the rest of us, mere 
GWT consumers.


P.S. Saying "UiBinder for doing trivial stuff" I meant trivial on my part, 
not on UiBinder part, I really appreciate UiBinder magic. I just hoped to 
find similar breakthrough with Elemental but it's probably not the case.

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