Hi, I've created a project for my own needs called GWT RTTI (
http://code.google.com/p/gwt-rtti/) it generates reflection information for 
certain packages at compile time using generators and lets you use it on 
the client (it is similar to JAVA reflection API with few differences). But 
bare in mind that it adds additional code to your application thus making 
it more complex and larger. There is one advantage, I've created it in a 
way that it can be used on both sides client and server. It doesn't contain 
serialization mechanisms but you can create one on you own, if you do it 
carefuly you can share serialization code on the server and on the client 
(probably using JSONObject). If your objects are comlex POJOs in lists you 
should be able to create the parser pretty easily ;-).


Dne čtvrtek, 18. října 2012 23:04:00 UTC+2 dhoffer napsal(a):
> I have some rather complex data objects that currently get marshaled from 
> client to server and server to client (comet communication).  Btw, not 
> complex in quantity of data, or data relationships, but data is arrays of 
> lots of different derived interface/class types.  The data used to be just 
> serialized but now it needs to be sent via JSON.
> Is it possible to perform regular Java object serialization in the GWT 
> client?  If so, I could solve this by converting that binary output into 
> Base64 encoded string and send that via the new JSON API and then just 
> reverse that on the server.  Is it even possible to do this in GWT?
> Of course the other approach is to convert the Java object into a full 
> JSON object but given it's complexity I haven't found a way to do that yet 
> (I posted separate newsgroup message on that approach).  Either approach 
> would be fine for me, I can worry about performance differences later.
> -Dave

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