Hi Everyone,

I am beginning to learn WebGL development using GWT using gwtgl.
I am not able to get the requestAnimationFrame working to render my scene 
Could someone please take a look at it and offer some advice?


public class Mygwtgl implements EntryPoint, 
AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback {
private Redraw redraw;
    private void start() {
redraw = new Redraw();
 public void execute(double timestamp) {

public class Redraw extends AnimationScheduler {
 private AnimationScheduler.AnimationHandle hAnimScheduler;
public Redraw() {
hAnimScheduler = new AnimationScheduler.AnimationHandle() { 
public void cancel() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
 public AnimationScheduler.AnimationHandle 
requestAnimationFrame(AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback cb, Element e) {

                // cb.execute() works here but only once, not getting 
scheduled regularly

return hAnimScheduler;

I do not have much programming experience with java and I am not sure 
whether this is the correct way to use requestAnimationFrame().
The callback doesn't seem to be scheduled,
I really appreciate any advice in this regard.


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