I might be way off here, but is there any reason to extend myTestClass at 
all? You can have multiple css classes per element, so simply doing:

  .myLOCALTestClass{ ...more properties specific for this binder...}

And then assigning both myTestClass and myLOCALTestClass to the element 
should have the local specific changes overwriting the global ones.

On Saturday, June 15, 2013 2:59:35 AM UTC+2, GWTter wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> Thanks for the reply. You're right and I actually do this elsewhere 
> extending cssresource interfaces and using the @shared which also works; 
> it's definitely the way to go for larger extensions/additions that aren't 
> as local.
> However what I like about the ui:binder approach is you don't have to 
> worry about ensuring the styles are injected and less boilerplate to 
> utilize the cssresource (even though it's not THAT much of a hassle). The 
> other really nice thing is you can override/extend styles more easily with 
> the approach I described for local changes (at least in my opinion). That's 
> why I just wanted to see if there was a way to extend it without having to 
> specify the src like in the approach above, or if it's even recommended.
> Thanks again,
> -Seth
> On Friday, June 14, 2013 6:01:12 PM UTC+2, Joseph Lust wrote:
>> Seth,
>> Currently I can do this by setting <ui:style 
>>> src='<relativepath>/MyCss.css"> in A and B and it works nicely, uibinder 
>>> takes care of injecting the styles and everything. However I'm not sure if 
>>> this is the best way. There's also the issue that if I move A and B then 
>>> the relative path breaks (since absolute paths still aren't 100% functional 
>>> issue#7230<http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7230>).
>>> Does anyone have a clue or is this the preferred method?
>> You might want to look at this previous 
>> answer<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/google-web-toolkit/lust$20cssresource/google-web-toolkit/XDTiBioiIuo/ZFHeGB1jT0IJ>.
>> If you do the overriding in the Java class backing your UI binder, then the 
>> refactoring worries won't be a problem. You can still handle the 
>> refactoring in UiBinder, but you'll have to set Eclipse (or IDE of choice) 
>> to do FQN replacements in all .xml files.
>> Sincerely,
>> Joseph

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