> We really need something like this too. We've developed a workbench UI, 
> that has plugins - all currently compile time. Would be nice to be able to 
> have those as runtime plugins, even if they are self contained GWT apps. As 
> you pointed out "you can not just simply pass those objects between the GWT 
> applications since the same Java class does not generate the identically 
> named JS class".

There are people that have used OSGI with GWT. They basically have a parent 
app that contains an iframe and a menu that is generated based on a server 
request. The server request figures out which OSGI bundles are deployed so 
that if you disable an OSGI bundle or add new one the menu adjusts itself. 
Once you hit a menu item a new GWT app will be loaded (from the 
corresponding OSGI bundle) and displayed inside the iframe. To communicate 
between the parent app and the app loaded in the iframe you could use 
window.postMessage and a defined set of messages.

Then there is also https://code.google.com/p/gwt-exporter/ which can help 
to create a JS based API that different apps can use to talk to each other.

The only thing your pay by having multiple apps that represents single 
sections in your app is that each app will download all the required GWT 
library code on its own. So at the end your clients need to download a bit 
more JS.

-- J.

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