Hi All,

After a search on the internet and in this group I didn't found help for 
the issue I have. 
So I ask here if someone has any advice or workaround.

I just tried basic example of CellTable found here 
http://www.gwtproject.org/doc/latest/DevGuideUiCellWidgets.html, and put 
the cellTable in an empty VerticalPanel somewhere in my app.

In Chrome only, the example doesn't work correctly : almost all keyboard 
events have no effect. Only Delete, Backspace, CTRL-Z + other CTRLs and 
ENTER keys work. It is impossible to type in some text : alphanumeric key 
events have no effect on the content of the cells.

With other browsers than Chrome the CellTable example works without any 
problem !

For the test I use :
GWT 2.5.1
Test NOT OK : Chrome 32.0.1687.2 dev-m Aura
Test OK : Firefox : 24.0
Test OK : Opera : 12.11
Test OK : Safari : 5.1.7
(no test on IE as I have only IE6, for other tests purpose...)

Thank you for your help.

       * A simple data type that represents a contact with a unique ID.
      private static class Contact {
        private static int nextId = 0;

        private final int id;
        private String name;

        public Contact(String name) {
          this.id = nextId;
          this.name = name;

       * The list of data to display.
      private static final List<Contact> CONTACTS = Arrays.asList(new 
Contact("John"), new Contact("Joe"), new Contact("George"));

       * The key provider that allows us to identify Contacts even if a 
       * changes. We identify contacts by their unique ID.
      private static final ProvidesKey<Contact> KEY_PROVIDER =
          new ProvidesKey<Contact>() {
            public Object getKey(Contact item) {
              return item.id;


        // Create a CellTable with a key provider.
        final CellTable<Contact> table = new 

        // Add a text input column to edit the name.
        final TextInputCell nameCell = new TextInputCell();
        Column<Contact, String> nameColumn = new Column<Contact, 
String>(nameCell) {
          public String getValue(Contact object) {
            // Return the name as the value of this column.
            return object.name;
        table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");

        // Add a field updater to be notified when the user enters a new 
        nameColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<Contact, String>() {
          public void update(int index, Contact object, String value) {
            // Inform the user of the change.
            Window.alert("You changed the name of " + object.name + " to " 
+ value);

            // Push the changes into the Contact. At this point, you could 
send an
            // asynchronous request to the server to update the database.
            object.name = value;

            // Redraw the table with the new data.

        // Push the data into the widget.

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