I am trying to return the result of a calculation from an RPC call, and 
having trouble with the GWT compiler.  Specifically, the class I am 
returning has a field of type Object in it.  This field can contain: 
String, Integer, Double, Long, Boolean or Date.

If I change the Object field to type String, the compiler is happy.

The thing that has me stumped is that I have other methods in the same RPC 
service that return similar objects containing Object fields and these are 
working correctly.  I also have an RPC-based event mechanism that is 
returning event classes that contain Map<String,Object> and these appear to 
work correctly.  I of course have to have another interface (a whitelist) 
that refers to the types I want to return in the Object fields to get 
serialization code generated for those types.

Am I doing something wrong?  I see the documentation says I can't return 
Object, but it's been working for a couple of years.

Is there a better way to accomplish this?

Here's the class of the object I'm trying to return:

public class CalculationResult implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private Object value = null;
private PropertyType type;
private List<LocalizedMessage> errors;
 public CalculationResult() {
 public Object getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(Object value) {
this.value = value;
 public PropertyType getType() {
return type;
public void setType(PropertyType type) {
this.type = type;
 public List<LocalizedMessage> getErrors() {
if( this.errors == null ) {
this.errors = new ArrayList<LocalizedMessage>();
return this.errors;
public void setErrors(List<LocalizedMessage> errors) {
this.errors = errors;


PropertyType is a simple enum.
LocalizedMessage is a serializable class containing only String and 
List<String> fields and is used extensively in other RPC calls.

When I compile my project with GWTC, I get the following:

     [java] Compiling module com.XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
     [java]    Computing all possible rebind results for 
     [java]       Rebinding com.XX.gwt.ui.client.rpc.PMRPCService
     [java]          Invoking generator 
     [java]             Generating client proxy for remote service 
interface 'com.XX.gwt.ui.client.rpc.PMRPCService'
     [java]                Checking type argument 0 of type 
'java.util.Arrays.ArrayList<E>' because it is exposed as an array with a 
maximum dimension
 of 1 in this type or one of its subtypes (reached via com.XX
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.gwt.editor.client.adapters.ListEditorWrapper<T, E> is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero-argu
ment constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. 
(reached via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DelegatingChangeListenerCollection is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero-a
rgument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom 
serializer. (reached via com.XX
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DelegatingClickListenerCollection is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero-ar
gument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. 
(reached via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DelegatingFocusListenerCollection is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero-ar
gument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. 
(reached via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero
-argument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom 
serializer. (reached via com.XX
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.gwt.view.client.ListDataProvider<T>.ListWrapper<> is not default 
instantiable (it must have a zero-argum
ent constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. 
(reached via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
     [java]                [ERROR] 
com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.impl.SplittableList<E> is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero-argu
ment constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. 
(reached via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
     [java]                [ERROR] java.util.AbstractList.SubList<E> is not 
default instantiable (it must have a zero-argument constructor or no const
ructors at all) and has no custom serializer. (reached via com.XX
     [java]                [ERROR] 
java.util.Collections.UnmodifiableList<T> is not default instantiable (it 
must have a zero-argument constructor or
no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. (reached via com.XX
     [java]                [ERROR] 
java.util.Collections.UnmodifiableRandomAccessList<T> is not default 
instantiable (it must have a zero-argument con
structor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. (reached 
via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
     [java]    [ERROR] Errors in 
     [java]       [ERROR] Line 327: Failed to resolve 
via deferred binding

This error seems to be having trouble with the list, but if I simply remove 
the Object field or change it to String, these go away, too.

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