Are you using Maven? I don't know why else your project would have Project 
Facets enabled. Doh, I just tested this and I also had my starter project 
created with a custom Project Facet. My real GWT project doesn't use 
Project Facets.

Right click on your project and go to Properties, then select Project 
Facets. My starter project has only Java checked and defaulted to 1.6. Try 
changing this to 1.7? You may also want to check your jdk1.7.0 on the 
Runtimes tab under Project Facets.

On Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:56:29 PM UTC-5, Robert Yodlowski wrote:
> Michael, thank you for your help.
> >>Are you building from the GDT Tools Icon -> GWT Compile Project... with 
> your project selected? or right clicking on your project and going to 
> Google->GWT Compile? or some other way?
> I have tried both ways and the results are still the same.
> >>When you go to Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs: Do you see 
> your jdk1.7.0 and is it checked?
> When I first looked, it had jre1.7 selected. I changed it to have jdk1.7 
> selected. It made no difference. I still got the same errors.
> ...Bob

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