> 1)
> in my ViewImpl-Class in the Consructor I have to create the frame and load 
> the content.
> The content (html-url) is from my war-directory:
> frame = new Frame(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "ClientData/myhtml.html");
> frame.getElement().setId("framename");
> => $doc is right here because it is in my domain?

$doc is correct because you are in a GWT app. GWT is executed in an iFrame 
and if you would only write "document" you would get the iFrame document 
and not the window document. Same with $wnd. So in a GWT app you always use 
$wnd and $doc inside JSNI functions to access the top level window and 

> After that I should wait until the frame content is fully loaded. 
> => How can I handle this??  



> 3)
> If the content is loaded I call the setFrameSize()-Method.
>     public native boolean setFrameSize (String id)
>     /*-{
>             var newheight;
>             var newwidth;
>             var frame = $doc.getElementById(id)
>             if(frame !=null){
>                 newheight=frame.contentWindow.$doc.body.scrollHeight;
>                 newwidth=frame.contentWindow.$doc.body.scrollWidth;

As already said in my previous reply: $doc is a GWT variable and if your 
Frame does not show a GWT app then this variable does simply not exist in 
that Frame. Instead of $doc you then have to use "document": 

-- J.

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