
I am currently testing two SVG libraries for use within my GWT application:

   - SVGJS (http://svgjs.com)
   - SnapSVG (http://snapsvg.io)

The first one, SVGJS, is now working for me, following a good 
 this group (thanks to Jens).
The basic idea is to pass an existing DOM element as a container to a JSNI 
method, which in turn passes this element to the library's SVG constructor:

private native void drawExample(Element container) /*-{      var draw = 
SVG(container)      draw.text('SVG.JS')    }-*/;

This approach did not work for me with the other library, SnapSVG.
When I do exactly the same:

private native void drawExample(Element container) /*-{      var s = 
Snap(container);      var c = s.circle(150,150,150);    }-*/;

Then I get the JavaScript error:

"Object [object Object] has no method 'circle'"

I assume that there is no suitable constructor so that s is null.

When I do this:

private native void drawExample(Element container) /*-{      var s = 
Snap(400,400);      var c = s.circle(150,150,150);      
container.appendChild(s);    }-*/;

Then I get the error:

"An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not 

Note that I am testing within a DialogBox and passing its getElement() as 
container to the method above.

How can you connect the generated SVG object to a widget within a DialogBox?

Thank you

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