Mungkin komunitas gorontalomaju2020 bisa mengadakan penggalangan dana untuk 
korban banjir.


From: suwito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 7:15:34 AM
Subject: Re: [GM2020] Banjir oh banjir

kalo ngga salah masalah banjir ini dibicarakan pada saat acara 1000 Tokoh.
Mungkin ide2 yang muncul pada waktu itu bisa diterapkan ASAP.
kasian kan warga yang kebanjiran.. .

2008/10/27 dewi_gorontalo <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>

Atiolo, sabar wa! 
kayaknya makin hari Gorontalo makin parah aja banjirnya. Baru ramadhan kemarin 
banjir, ini so banjir lagi...
Teman-teman, mungkin ada sustainable ideas yang bisa digunakan untuk menangani 
banjir di Gorontalo??? 


--- On Sun, 10/26/08, Novya Handayani <laras962002@> wrote:

From: Novya Handayani <laras962002@>
Subject: [GM2020] Banjir oh banjir
To: gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 4:14 PM

Dear all, sejak emak saya msh unge' banjir terparah ini pertama
kalinya terjadi dijalan jaksa agung suprapto ex jalan siswa. Sejak
didirikannya mall megah mega janur, banjir menjadi momok bagi warga
jalan ini. Perluasan Parking area yg sbgian besar dibuat diatas
saluran air, menyumbat dan menghambat aliran air yg berasal dr sungai
bulango tapa. Dan Akibat dari konstruksi asal2an ini Hasilnya, smp 1,
sdn 30, dan sebgian besar rumah warga jalan ini terendam air. Air
masuk rumah pukul 01.00 wita berarti sudah sekitar 5 jam kami
menikmati banjir dadakan ini (sekarang 06.30). Ada yg menarik dr
pemandangan dpan rumah saya, ada anak2 yg maen perahu karet(mangkage
dgn banjir sup), ada orang yg lg menggosip dan mengkomplain kbradaan
mall( sabantar kata mo bdemo), ada pengungsi blakang rumah saya yg
berbondong2 ke kantor dpd2 golkar untk dpt bantuan makanan dan
pengobtan, ada yg tetap melakukan rutinitasnya, ada juga yg lg
ngeliatin saya yg sibuk ngetik email hehehe. Lagi kena musibah, jadi
ya nikmati saja sbg ujian. Bolo maapu..

Novya Handayani
(so capek angkat2 barang sup, msh mikir strategi menyehatkan rumah kembali)

On 10/26/08, Bakri Arbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
> Yth Rekan-rekan milis,
> Sewaktu pesta pernikahan Bung Suprisno Baderan terjadi diskusi bersama Bung
> Indra,
> pak Ary dan pak OH,membahas tentang ekonomi dunia yang sedang kacau di AS
> dan dunia.
> Pak Ary Mochtar mengatakan sebelum menerbitkan bukunya tentang
> Ekonomi,tenyata
> Adam Smith menerbitkan buku tentang Astronomy (rupanya dia fisikawan juga),
> dan disana beliau melihat bagaimana planet,bintang, bumi dan matahari beredar
> secara teratur dalam jalurnya masing-masing. Menurut pak Ary disinilah
> beliau mendapatkan konsep "invisible hand" yang mengatur semua
> peredaran bintang yang kemudian diaplikasikan beliau untuk konsep
> Ekonomi dengan tangan-tangan yang tidak kelihatan mengatur ekonomi.
> Bung Indra kemudian mengatakan ada buku yang kedua dari Adam Smith
> yaitu "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" yang mengatakan bahwa dalam
> bergaul bersama dan berbisnis harus ada etika dan moral.
> Nah ini rupanya yang tidak dilaksanakan oleh "greedeness" dan tanpa
> etika yang dilakukan oleh para pialang saham/uang sehingga terjadi
> penggelembungan harga yang tak terkendali.
> Greenspan sendiri beberapa hari lalu menyatakan,merasa ikut bersalah
> karena dia berpikir orang-orang di Wall Street masih punya etika dan
> moral seperti apa yang ditulis oleh Adam Smith.
> Mari kita tunggu konsep yang sedang dibahas konsep ekonomi yang sedang
> dibahas di KTT ASEM di Beijing.
> Bon week-end,
> Bakri Arbie
> --- On Sat, 10/25/08, Indra Uno <[EMAIL PROTECTED] indonesia. com> wrote:
> From: Indra Uno <[EMAIL PROTECTED] indonesia. com>
> Subject: Selected best-known quotations of Adam Smith
> To:
> "Budi Soetjipto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>, "Achmad Sanusi S3"
> <achmadsanusi_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Sahala Ucok Harahap"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Herris Simandjuntak S3"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jimmy Sadeli"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] edu>, "Wayah Wiroto S3"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] undation. org>, "Henk RHU Uno"

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Sandiaga Uno"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Panji Danuhusodo"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Nanang Suryanto"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Com>, "Maulana"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] investama. com>, "Tommi Parnando"
> <tommiparnando@>, "Mohamad Setiawan (Iwan Nawi)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>, "Handriatno Andry Waseso"
> <handriatno.waseso@ tps-indonesia. com>, "Dianti Arudi"
> <diantiarudi@>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] com, "Bakri Arbie"
> Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 11:47 PM
> Some of best-known quotations and passages of Adam Smith, he is viewed as
> the founder of modern economic thought, and his work inspires economists to
> this day.
> Every
> man is, no doubt, by nature, first and principally recommended to his
> own care; and as he is fitter to take care of himself than of any other
> person, it is fit and right that it should be so.The Theory of Moral
> Sentiments par. III.I.85
> The
> natural course of things cannot be entirely controlled by the impotent
> endeavours of man: the current is too rapid and too strong for him to
> stop it; and though the rules which direct it appear to have been
> established for the wisest and best purposes, they sometimes produce
> effects which shock all his natural sentiments.The Theory of Moral
> Sentiments par. III.I.109
> One who is master of all his exercises has no aversion to measure his
> strength and activity with the strongest.The Theory of Moral Sentiments par.
> VII.II.27
> Men of no more than ordinary discernment never rate any person higher than
> he appears to rate himself.The Theory of Moral Sentiments par. VI.III.487
> No
> benevolent man ever lost altogether the fruits of his benevolence. If
> he does not always gather them from the persons from whom he ought to
> have gathered them, he seldom fails to gather them, and with a tenfold
> increase, from other people. Kindness is the parent of kindness; and if
> to be beloved by our brethren be the great object of our ambition, the
> surest way of obtaining it is, by our conduct to show that we really
> love them.The Theory of Moral Sentiments par. VI.II.22
> Before
> we can feel much for others, we must in some measure be at ease
> ourselves. If our own misery pinches us very severely, we have no
> leisure to attend to that of our neighbour: and all savages are too
> much occupied with their own wants and necessities, to give much
> attention to those of another person.The Theory of Moral Sentiments par.
> V.I.19
> Sincerely,
> Indra Uno+62 811 880 628

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