Yth Rekan milis,

Ada beberapa artikel tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat,pro-poor program dll.
Semoga bermanfaat.Odu olo.

--- On Sat, 2/7/09, bakri arbie <> wrote:
From: bakri arbie <>
Subject: Fw: Dev-Zone Development Issues Update 8 February 2009
To: "arbie bakri" <>
Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 5:04 AM

--- On Fri, 2/6/09, Dev-Zone <> wrote:
From: Dev-Zone <>
Subject: Dev-Zone Development Issues Update 8 February 2009
Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 7:59 PM


Kia ora Arbie Bakri,

There is also a copy of this email on our site:


 * Climate change adaptation and mitigation in development programs: A
   practical guide [PDF 984KB]
The purpose of this study is to draw on all available material in order
to provide targeted guidance on the linkages between the design of
development programs and the objectives of adapting to climate change
and limiting emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The report should be
useful to practitioners in development organizations (multilateral and
bilateral institutions) and countries for a better understanding of the
implications of development programs and policies on climate change, as
w... (read more)
 * Social Watch report 2008: Rights is the answer
This report documents how governments are falling short in their
commitment to eradicate poverty and achieve gender equity through the
testimony of civil society groups in 59 countries. Its main message is
that the multiple crises currently affecting the world require a 'rights-
based approach' and provides examples on how the current financial
architecture has ignored or openly violated those rights and triggered
spiralling inequity all around the world.(Social Watch Alliance, 2008)
 (read more)
 * Speaking Out: How the voices of poor people are shaping the future
This set of papers bring together experiences, lessons, and good
practice from Oxfam GB and its partners' global programme work on the
theme of 'the right to be heard'. The papers describe different ways to
strengthen the participation of people in poverty so that they become
active citizens and shape policy decisions. These papers cover different
approaches, lessons learned, and useful case examples on issues ranging
from local community budget monitoring to popular mobilisation and media
wo... (read more)
 * Sweet Justice
Website run by TradeAid about their fair trade organic food products,
including where to buy and recipes.
 (read more)
 * The Microeconomic Determinants of Emigration and Return Migration of
   the Best and Brightest: Evidence from the Pacific [PDF 271KB]
A unique survey which tracks worldwide the best and brightest academic
performers from three Pacific countries is used to assess the extent of
emigration and return migration among the very highly skilled, and to
analyze, at the microeconomic level, the determinants of these migration
choices. Although we estimate that the income gains from migration are
very large, not everyone migrates and many return. Within this group of
highly skilled individuals the emigration decision is found to be mo... (read 
 * Timor-Leste Food Security Baseline Survey Report [PDF 1.2MB]
In January 2007, Oxfam Australia undertook a food security baseline
survey in Timor Leste in partnership with three NGOS; Christian
Children's Fund, Concern Worldwide and CARE International. The survey
was funded by the European Commission Food Security Program being
implemented in Timor Leste, and was conducted in 7 districts; Manatuto,
Liquica,Manufahi, Bobonaro, Oecusse, Covalima and Lautem.The findings
show that the food insecurity in Timor-Leste is a serious problem with
70% of household... (read more)
 * id21 Highlights: Child Poverty [PDF 365KB]
This issue of id21 Highlights contains a selection of articles on child
poverty.(id21, January 2009)
 (read more)


 * Country for Sale
 * The Macro-Micro Nexus in Scaling-Up Aid: The Case of HIV and AIDS
   Control in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia [PDF 96KB]
 * Think piece on aid and development cooperation post Accra and beyond
   - steps towards a development dialogue for the 21st century [PDF



Country for Sale
Cambodia - one of the world's poorest countries - could eventually earn
enough from its oil, gas and minerals to become independent of fore...
Full Details Back to index
The Macro-Micro Nexus in Scaling-Up Aid: The Case of HIV and AIDS
Control in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia [PDF 96KB]
The authors argue that proactive macroeconomic policies, combined with
proper microeconomic management, can lead to successful absorption a...
Full Details Back to index
Think piece on aid and development cooperation post Accra and beyond -
steps towards a development dialogue for the 21st century [PDF
This think piece explores some key aspects of the changes taking place
in the international aid architecture in terms of the evolving
Full Details Back to index

Na matou noa, na

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