Ti om uli bo bulum tidoy so jam bgni?

3:42:57 AM 

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Sofyan Uli" <sofyan...@yahoo.co.id>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 19:02:13 
To: <gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [GM2020] Perception And Sensation

Ti pak ikbal ini bo pura2 tidak mangarti hehehehe.
Enggeleti botie debo paralu am, openu bo yes no yes no hehehehe.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: "joustin0708" <jen...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 12:42:35 
To: <gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [GM2020] Perception And Sensation

Mr Iqbal: Tema ini di gunakan untuk bayi dari lahir sampai masuk ke
liang kubur dan di gunakan dari segala aspek; dari tukang nyetir becak
sampai tukang nyetir pesawat :) (There is no spesific field).

Berani sekali hanya mendapatkan ilmu instant lalu memberikan pelatihan
untuk kepemimpinan?

Saya study subject ini (perception dan sensation) sudah hampir 5 tahun 
dalam bentuk teori, praktek dan module tersendiri saat di jenjang S1 dan
S2 (Australia & Ireland). Hingga tahun ke 2  dalam research di subject 
ini (jadi genap 7 tahun) saya belum pernah memberikan pelatihan, apalagi
untuk pemimpin :).

Kalau orang sini bilang: "Are you excellent to lead the subject?". Kata
Excellent disini, paling gak orang tersebut harus memiliki pengalaman di
subject itu minimal 10-15 tahun dengan history2 researchnya yang sudah
terlegalisir oleh American Psychology Association.

Artikel yang saya posting ini belum terlegalisir oleh APA (American
Psychology Association), tapi bisa di intip di Applied Cognitive
Psychology (paper khusus untuk research para psikolog).

Jadi kalau ada orang berani ngasih pelatihan kepemimpinan dengan kursus
kilat, itu cuma di Indonesia aja kali ya  [:D] .

Tujuan artikel ini untuk di kritik, makanya saya posting kesini :). Tapi
rupanya bahasa jadi kendala (Tentunya gak kendala buat Mr Iqbal dong, as
you said that  English is used as an alternative languange for the
difficulties of Japanese's translation  [;)] ).

Ngupi dulu ah,


--- In gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com, iqbal makmur <kaizen...@...>
> Jangankan orang asing om, orang japangi saja banyak yang tdk menguasai
huruf kanji. Penggunaan huruf kanji sekarang mulai dikurangi dan diganti
dengan Hiragana dan katakana. Dari 10 ribuan karakter yang ada, yang
digunakan aktif di Jepang skarang tinggal 2 ribuan.. Untung saja
presentasi dan penulisan thesis bisa pake bahasa inggris, meskipun
kuliah2nya tetap pake bahasa jepang
> Â
> Madam Joustin : Tema ini sering digunakan oleh para trainer dalam
latihan2 kepemimpinan, kepribadian dan SDM. Sayang tidak begitu digali
secara mendalam karna para trainernya juga 'cuma' alumni pelatihan
sejenis yang mendapatkan ilmunya secara instant dan otodidak.
> Â
> Salam dingin..
> Â
> Iqbal
> --- On Sun, 11/29/09, Razif Halik razifha...@... wrote:
> From: Razif Halik razifha...@...
> Subject: Re: [GM2020] Perception And Sensation
> To: gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sunday, November 29, 2009, 5:25 PM
> Â
> MENURUT HEMAT SY, lebih gampang mengerti bahasa Inggris daripada
> Jepang dgn huruf hiragana apalagi kanji.Hi hi hi daigako san...
> salam&sori,OH
> Iqbal wrote:
> >
> > Kalau lihat dari subject sepertinya postingan yang bagus, sayang
> > dan mungkin beberapa orang disini tdk mengerti artinya, mungkin ada
> > bisa terjemahkan. .?
> >
> > Salam :)
> >
> > Iqbal :
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On Nov 29, 2009, at 12:10 AM, "Razif Halik Uno" razifha...@gmail.
> > <mailto:razifha...@gmail. com>> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Ini dari kuliah Psychologi tingkat piro mbakyu?
> >>
> >> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> >> *From: * "joustin0708" <joustin0708@ yahoo.com>
> >> *Date: *Sat, 28 Nov 2009 12:28:59 -0000
> >> *To: *<gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com>
> >> *Subject: *[GM2020] Perception And Sensation
> >>
> >>
> >> <http://4.bp. blogspot. com/_Mu9EzkY5b0Q /SxA7w1a2XwI/ AAAAAAAABO4/
wV0MD5ch3cQ/ s1600/cognitive% 201.png>
> >> What do you see of the illustration on the left? I'm sure your
> >> answeris going to be a man with a saxophone. However, do you
> >> if there is also another illustration on it? Yes! There's a woman's
> >> facein the shadow. The illustration that represented called as an
> >> objectand when seeing the object stimulate a perception.
> >>
> >> This is what we call in psychology as `Perception' . And how can we
> >> not ableto realise both of the illustration in the same time? Or
> >> perhaps theresome people can easily recognise both of the
> >> illustrations in the sametime? According to this, when we see the
> >> world, the visual of the worldinvolve; depth, colour, size, shape,
> >> object recognition. When seeing the illustration we can only think
> >> about what is similar to us â€"a manwith the saxophone-,
because this
> >> is easier to be perspective by us. Keep in mind that our assumption
> >> or previous knowledge can lead us into false conclusion.
> >> The perception itself is stimulated by our experience and
> >> The object that seen by us can be manipulated our perception.
> >> Therefore the conclusion can be false since we see the object even
> >> there isn othing wrong with the object.
> >>
> >> So how can be our perception false?
> >>
> >> When we see the world, the visual of our image to the object will
> >> involve such as depth, colour, size shape, object recognition.
> >> According towhat has mentioned earlier, */t//herefore a perception
> >> not the same as reality/*. Another question is asked, then how do
> >> make sense of the world? The answer is by a sensation â€" will
> >> explained presently-.
> >>
> >> However it's just a sample to introduce you a slight about
> >> perception. What Irequire to mark this time is about a perception
> >> through internet and I'm vastly interested on this subject. These
> >> days internet has been used by many people all over the world to
> >> access their needs. Such as blogging now becomes interestingly to
> >> have a society although theydon't know each other. Their
> >> communication is only through a comment.Through what they read,
> >> believe the `reading' as a real person. They sometimes find to get
> >> further step to know each other by givingpersonal information, such
> >> as giving their phone numbers. Theperception to the person
> >> through the sensation when readingthe person's blog, letter, text,
> >> etc. Nevertheless, through thesecommotions the perception with the
> >> blog becomes a desire to `like ordislike' the writer
â€"remember they
> >> begin with reading first - if seemsthey have a chance to meet in
> >> person, then they perhaps would like totake further step in a
> >> relationship.
> >>
> >> Thephenomenon above is often happens recently, moreover people
> >> sometimes use this as a simple to obtain a partner. Perhaps it's
> >> difficult forus to distinguish the object whether is false or true
> >> through internet.However, some people answer this that they
> >> with their feelingto say it false or true, but remember the feeling
> >> of what they believederives as of a perception. According to this
> >> well call it as wella s a sensation? As I consider that is due to
> >> human's sensationprimarily rely on sight and hearing and their
> >> perceptions seemly derive from what they see and hear (if they call
> >> each other).
> >>
> >> Sensation differs from perception, the structure of seeing the
> >> entirely has diverse majors. However the sensation has five majors
> >> in other hands it calls sensory channel, namely, sight, hearing,
> >> touch, smell,taste.
> >>
> >> In the case phenomenon above the perception seems intertwined with
> >> the sensation. Or perhaps the stimulation of the perception derives
> >> from the sensation first â€"keep in mind; they begin by
reading the
> >> article from the blog-. (SAM)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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