#114: Milestone 2.7 GPC harmonizes with PCORI CDM V1.0
 Reporter:  campbell                          |       Owner:  campbell
     Type:  task                              |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  major                             |   Milestone:  initial-data-
Component:  data-stds                         |  domains
 Keywords:  PCORI CDM V1, GPC data standards  |  Resolution:
 Blocking:                                    |  Blocked By:  17, 23, 67,
                                              |  120

Comment (by ngraham):

 I've created a [https://pcornet.centraldesktop.com/c4gpc/folder/4142694/
 folder called "PCORI CDM Compliance Worksheet"] on the PCORNet Central
 Desktop and uploaded a
 [https://pcornet.centraldesktop.com/c4gpc/file/33714066/ draft of the
 compliance worksheet for KUMC].

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