#109: represent PCORI CDM terminology as i2b2 metadata
 Reporter:  rwaitman      |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  data-domains2
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  89, 182
 Blocking:  145, 146      |
Changes (by dconnolly):

 * blockedby:  89 => 89, 182


 Hubert, it looks like the new LOINC codes (#182) impact the representation
 of CDM in i2b2.

 I wonder how we'll integrate this with the [https://bitbucket.org/DanC
 /pcornet-dm pcornet-dm scripts] that generate our CDM metadata. Do you
 plan to update the scripts?

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