#87: Deploy, document R Data Builder demo service
 Reporter:  dconnolly     |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  task          |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  data-agg1
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  134, 179
 Blocking:  119           |

Comment (by gkowalski):

 Well I rau the query on Endocrine like the demo video showed and it didn't
 work.  I didn't get the Job queued message , but rather a broken link (
 See broken-link.png image attachment  ) .

 I don't see the JSON file in the queue dir to process  :

 [root@localhost heron]# ls -l /var/log/data_builder/queue/
 total 0
 [root@localhost heron]#

 Also No errors in the server.log jboss file, just normal stuff  :

 14:50:47,494 INFO  [edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.OracleDAOFactory]
 (Thread-138) Using datasource java:/QueryToolDemoDS
 14:50:47,546 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) panel accuracy scale100
 14:50:47,547 INFO
 (Thread-138) Item value constrain sql [Ljava.lang.String;@a9cc99
 14:50:47,547 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) insert into QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP
 (patient_num, panel_count)
 14:50:47,552 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) with t as (
 14:50:47,553 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138)  select  f.patient_num
 14:50:47,553 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) from public.observation_fact f
 14:50:47,553 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) where
 14:50:47,554 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) f.concept_cd IN (select
 concept_cd from  public.concept_dimension   where concept_path LIKE
 '\\i2b2\\Diagnoses\\Endocrine disorders (240-259)\\%')
 14:50:47,554 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) group by  f.patient_num
 14:50:47,554 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138)  )
 14:50:47,555 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) select  t.patient_num, 0 as
 panel_count  from t
 14:50:47,559 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138) <*>
 14:50:47,559 INFO  [stdout] (Thread-138)  insert into DX (  patient_num
 ) select * from ( select distinct  patient_num  from QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP
 where panel_count = 0 ) q
 14:50:47,561 INFO  [edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.DataSourceLookupHelper]
 (Thread-138) Located DataSource for hiveId=[i2b2demo] projectId=[/Demo/]
 and ownerId =[@]
 14:50:47,562 INFO  [edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.OracleDAOFactory]
 (Thread-138) Using datasource java:/QueryToolDemoDS
 14:50:47,641 INFO  [edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.DataSourceLookupHelper]
 (Thread-138) Located DataSource for hiveId=[i2b2demo] projectId=[/Demo/]
 and ownerId =[@]

 But when I look in that directory I don't see an output file , not sure
 where the timeline_3.db came from but you had one of those also  :

 [root@localhost heron]# pwd
 [root@localhost heron]# ls -ltr
 total 128
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 126976 Nov  4 14:19 timeline_3.db
 [root@localhost heron]#

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