Ok, got it.

On 11/6/2014 7:51 AM, Debbie Yoshihara wrote:

I can't get to the task list to find out what WISC is supposed to do for Task #160 -
I get the error message: Unable to connect to the proxy server.
Could someone who has access send me a copy of what Task #160 is about please? It says in the critical site tasks list: I2b2 aligned with GPC DX, Meds, #160.
Answers for other sites include LOINC, HCPCS.

We have LOINC, HCPCS as well in I2b2.

--- Debbie

Debbie Yoshihara Informatics Specialist
SMPH-IT, Biomedical Informatics Services
School of Medicine and Public Health, UW-Madison

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