#90: Diagnoses Modifiers for data attribution
 Reporter:  campbell      |       Owner:  nateapathy
     Type:  design-issue  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  data-domains2
Component:  data-stds     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:  70, 91, 120   |

Comment (by nateapathy):

 Replying to [comment:10 lv]:

 > 3. Billing Diagnosis: Admit Diagnosis Principle, Admit Diagnosis
 Secondary, Discharge Diagnosis Principle, Discharge Diagnosis Secondary,
 Discharge Diagnosis Present on Admis..
 >   - Do these modifiers only apply to inpatient diagnoses? What does
 "Billing" mean for Epic? Is this what would be sent on an insurance claim?
 We could fill some diagnoses for this categories from hospital or
 insurance plan sources. It would take work.
 >> CMH is currently working on setting up their billing system feed into
 the i2b2 database, which will distinguish source of diagnosis (EMR vs.
 Billing). This will include primary and non-primary as discussed above, as
 well as a Present on Admit flag. We don't distinguish admit vs. discharge
 diagnosis in the billing feed data, since it is based on the UB04 and
 CMS1500 standards that don't specify admit/discharge diagnoses.
 > 4. Encounter Diagnosis: Admit Encounter Diagnosis, Discharge Encounter
 Diagnosis, Primary Encounter Diagnosis, Secondary Encounter Diagnosis,
 Medical History Diagnosis
 >   - How does HSP_ADMIT_DIAGNOSIS differ from HSP_ACCT_ADMIT_DX? I'm not
 sure how to differentiate between the first two modifiers in this category
 and the Billing category above. This would be the majority of our
 diagnoses, as clinical (outpatient). We would need to adjust our ETL as
 mentioned in item  2 above. On a quick search, only .77% of our diagnoses
 include the "History of" type.
 >> I'm also not clear how "encounter diagnoses" are distinguished. All
 diagnoses are associated in Cerner at the encounter level, and we do not
 have a distinction of historical diagnoses in the i2b2 database. We would
 need to do some work to incorporate this into our ETL as well, if it
 exists in our extracts.
 > 5. Order Diagnoses: Order Medication Diagnosis, Order Procedure
 >   - Cattails does not link diagnoses to medications. We couldn't
 accurately fill this. There also isn't a direct association between a
 procedure and diagnosis. We could do some work to try to fill this, but
 we'd have to make a lot of assumptions.
 >> I echo this - we do not link orders to diagnoses either. Is this
 intended to record medical necessity checking or ABNs? i.e. "this is the
 diagnosis that justifies this medication or procedure"?
 > 6. Problem List Diagnosis: Active Problem, Deleted Problem, Resolved
 >   - What does Deleted mean? Entered in error? What does this add for a
 researcher? The Cattails Problem List table includes Problem Status,
 Inactive Date, Last Problem Instance, etc. We don't get any requests to
 pull diagnoses from the Problem List. It would take time to investigate
 how to integrate this source.
 >> Per my comment above: Is this problems that were once problems and have
 been promoted to official diagnoses, or is it entries on the problem list
 documented with diagnosis codes? It appears from Laurel's comments that
 it's the latter, which makes sense to me and would be the most
 straightforward to fulfill.
 > 7. Professional Diagnosis: Primary Professional Diagnosis, Secondary
 Professional Diagnosis
 >   - Are these also hospital-related codes? I don't know what ARPB means
 from the Clarity Table.
 > > +1; I'm not sure how this is different from billing diagnoses.
 > It would take significant effort for MCRF to accurately implement this
 series of modifiers. I'd like to hear feedback that the additional
 elements add value for researchers, as we do not have a local use case.
 > > This level of granularity would also take a significant amount of
 effort on the Cerner/CMH side to implement this proposed structure of

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