Presumably, each site frequently has to estimate how many FTEs it will take to complete a given task. For already-funded projects, this is important for setting realistic dates for project milestones.

For projects where you are applying for funding (e.g. phase-2, and maybe someday MiniSentinel subcontracts) this becomes even more important because how accurately you price your team's effort determines whether or not you end up over-committed and under-funded should the grant get approved. PIs from a biology/clinical background don't always understand this (though some do), and it falls to those who do understand the infrastructure to help keep their expectations realistic, preferably before the grant budget is even written.

This is why I'm curious to know what methods people us to estimate effort for implementing new features in their sites' data warehouses. The level of operational detail involved in making good estimates places this topic in the technical area rather than the steering/governance area.

On 11/24/2014 01:48 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:
Alex, Angela, I see you suggested "Comparing notes on doing time-estimates for grants and contracts" as an item on the HackathonTwo agenda <>, under Infrastructure.

The other suggestions you made there are straightforward, but I don't think I understand this one.

Care to elaborate?

Is it more of a steering/governance topic?


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