#210: Query by BMI percentile among children.
 Reporter:  bokov                                |       Owner:  gkowalski
     Type:  enhancement                          |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                                |   Milestone:  cohort-
Component:  data-stds                            |  char1
 Keywords:  BMI pediatric-cohort obesity-cohort  |  Resolution:
 Blocking:  33                                   |  Blocked By:

Comment (by bokov):

 Hey, since it's a brand new fact for most sites, why not standardize on a
 GPC-wide path and code from the start? So for the raw BMI, LOINC:39156-5
 like y'all said, and for percentiles, LOINC:59576-9 I assume (because the
 lookup table I sent is by sex and age). How does that sound?

 And, Dan, Phillip, would you recommend putting this fact into the
 `\\GPC\LP29694-4\LP30604-0\LP29703-3\LP7775-2\59576-9\` path?

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