#210: Query by BMI percentile among children.
 Reporter:  bokov                                |       Owner:  gkowalski
     Type:  enhancement                          |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                                |   Milestone:  cohort-
Component:  data-stds                            |  char1
 Keywords:  BMI pediatric-cohort obesity-cohort  |  Resolution:
 Blocking:  33                                   |  Blocked By:

Comment (by bokov):

 Responding on the TRAC ticket because this affects everyone working on

 It looks like the lookup table has ages in half-months except the two
 bounding ages-- 24 months and 240 months. Actually, it's weirder-- the
 real upper bound is 240.5 months. The intent seems to be that each actual
 age get binned to a round number. Not accounting for this this is a bug in
 the SQL scripts I sent. Attaching the patched scripts.

 Briefly, VISAGE is now calculated as `ROUND((ob.start_date -
 pd.birth_date)/30.4375)` instead of `ROUND((ob.start_date -
 pd.birth_date)/15.21875)/2` and at the end of `cdc_lookup.sql` the 240
 montha age is dropped, and all the other ages except 24 are shifted upward
 by 0.5.

 On 02/09/2015 10:44 AM, Alex Bokov wrote:
 > Wow, hadn't noticed that for some crazy reason the ages in the table I
 sent are all in half-months! Logging in right now to see what's going on,
 will respond shortly.
 > On 02/09/2015 10:22 AM, Phillip Reeder wrote:
 >> We have 30k, of 300k, observations with a visage that are even numbers
 that were not in the bmi percentiles table.  Is there a new file that has
 these even numbers?

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