#253: obesity survey REDCap tracker and tools
 Reporter:  bokov         |       Owner:  huhickman
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  obesity-survey-def
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:  254           |

Comment (by bos):

 Replying to [comment:25 lv]:
 1) There are several groups of contact info fields, and the survey tracker
 will use the first valid one in this order of precedence: BILLING, MOTHER,
 FATHER, GUARDIAN, EMERG1, EMERG2. I think it is OK to use step
 mother/father info, but I am not sure which order of precedence they
 should have, which probably depends on the other contact info fields you
 have available. We expected that some sites would pre-filter their
 possible contact info down to one per patient by means that make sense
 locally. If that is the case for you, then you can populate the info into
 the GUARDIAN_* input file fields and use the -f option to load the contact
 info from a file instead of Clarity.

 2) In UTHSCSA/Epic the only email field we have is in the patient table,
 which does not contain parental emails. This field is sparsely populated
 for those under age 20 and skews toward the upper ages, indicating
 independent young adults. Other sites may store parent emails in this
 field, but due to the ambiguity, survey tracker will only pull this email
 field from Clarity for adult-only survey sites. Sites doing pediatric
 surveys by email invitation will have to use the -f option and load a
 contact info file as input to the survey tracker. This email includes an
 example: http://www.mail-archive.com/gpc-
 d...@listserv.kumc.edu/msg01992.html. Because UTHSCSA is not using email
 for the obesity survey, '''I'd appreciate it if another site could
 respond''' about how they pull parental email data.

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