#253: obesity survey REDCap tracker and tools
 Reporter:  bokov         |       Owner:  huhickman
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  closed
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  obesity-survey-def
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:  254           |

Comment (by huhickman):

 It works for me - however I do have the following comments/questions
 * I did modify one line of code - where the data is pulled from
 `patient_dimension` changed to pull directly from clarity data instead
 (our clarity refresh runs regularly, and ahead of our warehouse load).
 Our patient dimension table does not have email address and the like.
 * We plan on doing an email only survey ; so I may have to loosen the date
 codes again to get enough patients with email addresses.  We have 4300+
 out of 17000+ patients with email addresses -- what is our target number
 of patients for the study?
 * Could that be a config option - use only patients with email addresses?

 Also seems to suggest that adding a "Patient has email address Y/N" to our
 demographics load would be a handy thing.

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