#191: represent PCORI CDM 2.x terminology as i2b2 metadata
 Reporter:  dconnolly  |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  problem    |      Status:  new
 Priority:  medium     |   Milestone:
Component:  data-stds  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:             |  Blocked By:  109
 Blocking:  317        |

Comment (by nateapathy):

 Following up on the discussion from 8.11.15 GPC Dev call:

 c) how cost effective to switch to SCHILS terms from GPC?
    i) Dan : feedback from Cerner folks? (not here today). I’ll try to
 catch up with
    ii) PR/UTSW: vote to not switch, prefer to maybe map between the two,
 but our
    GPC terms cover more granular and we’d lose that if we switch
    iii) DC/KUMS: maybe adopt SCHILS terms for things we haven’t settled
 for GPC
    yet, e.g. use SCHILS for procedures but not diagnoses
    iv) RW/KUMC: obesity & adaptable trials drive timeline (for Sept.) to
 implement new
    CDM terms

 The most significant improvement that the SCILHS ontology provides is that
 it aligns with best practices for i2b2 design and comes with CDM creation
 scripts using the "PCORNET_CD" field. The most obvious design improvements
 are how demographics are stored in the database and how modifiers are
 structured. The transition from the Cerner standard i2b2 ontology to the
 SCILHS ontology was relatively straightforward, largely thanks to the use
 of best-practice designs for i2b2. For example, storing patient
 demographic data as observations in the OBSERVATION_FACT table is not a
 standard design practice, and the SCILHS ontology resolves this.

 As for granularity, it can always be added back in later versions, and I
 would like to see us pursue that with SCILHS as a partner rather than
 creating a hybrid which will undoubtedly be more convoluted for the end

 It also gives us significant ability to leverage other groups' work, and
 decreases the distance between "proprietary" i2b2 design and something
 moderately resembling a standard, at least across i2b2-using PCORnet
 CDRNs. It would behoove us to tack as closely as possible to any
 repeatable standards emerging from other groups, as it only increases our
 economies of scale. My understanding from comment3 on this ticket is that
 we would be adopting the SCILHS ontology as a group - I did not think the
 decision was still up for debate.

 I also recognize that other groups are focusing on the Obesity terms and
 ADAPTABLE terms. As CMH will not be participating in ADAPTABLE, we've had
 cycles to focus on the SCILHS effort that other teams won't have for some

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