#583: SNOW SCILHS Lab Metadata Expansion
 Reporter:  campbell                           |       Owner:  campbell
     Type:  enhancement                        |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                              |   Milestone:  snow-
Component:  data-stds                          |  shrine-2
 Keywords:  LOINC Lab_PRO_CM SCILHS all-sites  |  Resolution:
 Blocking:                                     |  Blocked By:

Comment (by campbell):

 Data characterization calls the past 3-4 weeks with DRN OC have indicated
 that CDM V3.X PROCEDURES should support when available:
 Clinic and hospital E&M and professional procedures with CPT coding
 Clinic and hospital surgery and other diagnostic and therapeutic
 procedures with ICD-10-PCS coding
 Laboratory orders (with LOINC or CPT coding)

 May support when available:
 Medications administered (clinic or hospital) with NDC coding

 If we agree as a network we want to comply and we want this data in SNOW
 SHRINE and have standard extracts to CDM PROCEDURES, then we need to agree
 on SCILHS modifier extensions for medication administration and for orders

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