#583: SNOW SCILHS Lab Metadata Expansion
 Reporter:  campbell                           |       Owner:  campbell
     Type:  enhancement                        |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                              |   Milestone:  snow-
Component:  data-stds                          |  shrine-3
 Keywords:  LOINC Lab_PRO_CM SCILHS all-sites  |  Resolution:
 Blocking:  411                                |  Blocked By:

Comment (by campbell):

 Yesh and I have checked the discrepancy and it arose from the frequent lab
 list originating with GPC sites not including some of the less common labs
 that Jeff Klann had included in his ARCH lab metadata. (SCILHS 3.1b was
 the origin of the 'LAB NAMES' scheme which we will eventually remove as
 ARCH accepts the larger SNOW SHRINE schema)  Clearly we want these
 Hemoglobin A1Cs even if they are infrequent.  I am checking the 211 lab
 test instances Phillip identified and we will be updating to include all
 clinically relevant tests from that list for October 1 release of SNOW
 8/30/18 Phillip Reeder wrote:
 I’m taking a look at the lab terminology and had a question, is the
 lab_loinc part of the hierarchy supposed to be all inclusive?  It seems to
 be missing a bunch of loinc codes, including loinc codes that are in the
 lab_name section of the hierarchy.

 For example,  these 3 a1c codes are in the lab_name section, but not the
 lab_loinc section.
 LOINC:17855-8 Hemoglobin A1c in Blood by calculation
 LOINC:62388-4 Hemoglobin A1c in Blood by JDS/JSCC protocol
 LOINC:59261-8 Hemoglobin A1c in Blood by IFCC protocol

 You can run the following to get the list of the ones in the PCORI
 lab_name section, but not in the lab_loinc section.  I show 211 terms.

 select  distinct c_basecode from pcornet_labs where  c_fullname  like
 and c_basecode like 'LOINC:%' and
 c_basecode not in (select distinct c_basecode from pcornet_labs where
 c_basecode like 'LOINC:%'
 and c_fullname like '\PCORI\LAB_RESULT_CM\LAB_LOINC%')
 and c_basecode not like 'LOINC:LP%’;

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