#478: ADAPTABLE monitoring
 Reporter:  schandaka     |       Owner:  lswander
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  adaptable-monitor
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  274, 476, 496
 Blocking:                |

Comment (by schandaka):

 The below Update from KUMC is more of an FYI:
 Maren Wennberg(KUMC) received the Query 1 from the DCRI last week.Below is
 the description of the request.(This work was handled by Maren as part of
 an internal KUMC trac ticket).

 The purpose of this program is to help network partners identify and
 resolve potential issues with the PCORNET_TRIAL table population. Output
 will be produced by running a SAS program against static local DataMarts?
 in PCORnet CDM v3.0 with SAS data types. This is a self-service program to
 be used by network partners; output is not returned to the Coordinating
 This program checks the length of the PATID in all tables used in
 ADAPTABLE Query 1 since differences in field length can cause errors, and
 looks for ADAPTABLE trial participants in the Demographic, Enrollment,
 Encounter, Diagnosis, Procedures, and Vital tables. Patients who are not
 found in any of these tables are provided in the query output for further
 investigation if necessary. All trial participants must have a Demographic
 record, and the majority of trial participants are expected to have
 Enrollment, Encounter, and Diagnosis records. Trial participants may or
 may not have any Vital and Procedures records. The Death table is not
 checked since very few trial participants should be in this table.
 Questions about this program should be sent to Laura Qualls.

Ticket URL: 
gpc-informatics <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/>
Greater Plains Network - Informatics
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