#478: ADAPTABLE monitoring
 Reporter:  schandaka     |       Owner:  schandaka
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  adaptable-monitor
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  274, 476, 496
 Blocking:                |

Comment (by mwennberg):

 I ran the ADAPTABLE query at KUMC and found that no patients had
 encounters after the date of trial enrollment. We realized that this was
 due to our encounters being date shifted in the CDM whereas our
 PCORNET_TRIAL table had the actual date that the patient was enrolled. I
 followed up with Laura Qualls who confirmed that we should date shift the
 trial enrollment date just like we do all of our other dates in the CDM.

 Laura Qualls' response on 4/26/2017 was
 Yes, date shifting must be applied consistently for all CDM dates for the
 same patient.

 I also raised a question regarding the level of PHI disclosure. Their
 preliminary work-plan had that we were disclosing PHI, which I was
 surprised by. Her response was:

 We went with “PHI” to be conservative, but after consulting with our IRB
 expert have
 determined that it is a Limited Data Set. It can’t be considered de-
 identified because
 of the inclusion of the TRIAL_PARTICIPANT_ID.  We have updated the Work
 Plan accordingly.

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