#280: Medication ontology orgainzed by ingredient
 Reporter:  preeder      |       Owner:  jay.pedersen
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  snow-shrine-2
Component:  data-stds    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |  Blocked By:  568, 592
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by campbell):

 If you check the notes from the ?third call you hosted, discussion on the
 PROCEDURES table concluded that medication administration events could be
 stored there…a surprise to me.  At any rate, GPC is simply trying to
 achieve consensus on where to store medication events.  For right now, and
 based upon your response, I am concluding:

 ORDERS(Inpatient, clinic and prescriptions) ==> CDMV31.PRESCRIBING
 DISPENSE EVENTS(Inpatient and community pharmacy) ==> CDMV31.DISPENSING

 You further caution us to record events indexed to the most specific level
 of clinical detail: NDC codes for dispense and administration events and
 RXNORM SBD and SCD (or I assume BPCK or GPCK) for orders.
 Have I interpreted you correctly?

 At Nebraska and for SCILHS, we have our metadata organized so that we can
 aggregate by ingredient for searches, but do not store events at that
 You can end up looking at this from a couple of different angles.  If you
 are an investigator, and want to research on chemotherapy treatments, you
 can look at the available tables that may contain medications and decide
 which to investigate.  For chemotherapy, that’d probably be PROCEDURES and
 PRESCRIBING.  It’s likely that an institution would have data in one of
 those tables, or both, depending on their source system.

 If you’re approaching the problem as an ETL programmer (which is what I
 think you’re asking), then it’s a different question.  Given chemotherapy
 data, where do I put it in the CDM?  Assuming that the chemotherapy
 treatments look something like medication administration data, I think
 we’d want the orders to be put into the PRESCRIBING table.  Right now, we
 don’t really have a place to store the administration event itself, but
 that’s something we hope to address in the next version of the CDM.

 In the antibiotic study, the main challenge was getting network partners
 to map their data to the right level of RxNorm.  The preference is to use
 a more inclusive term level, like Semantic Branded Drug (SBD) or Semantic
 Clinical Drug (SCD).  I understand that storing by ingredient can make the
 ontology more straightforward, but it greatly complicates any downstream
 analysis.  So my recommendation would be to store the SBD or SCD RxCUI as
 part of the observation (perhaps as a modifier) even if you use ingredient
 as a concept code.  That way there isn’t any loss of analytic utility when
 it comes time to populate the CDM.

 I’m copying Laura in case she’d like to add anything.

 >>>On Apr 4, 2017, at 1:08 PM, Campbell, James R <campb...@unmc.edu>

 From the Data characterization calls with DRNOC a couple weeks back, I
 took away to a confusing discussion within GPC about how we are deploying
 medications in CDMV3+.  In particular, you noted that medication
 administration events were to be expected in PROCEDURES in NDC codes but
 orders are in PRESCRIBING (at least ambulatory) in RXNORM and dispense
 events in DISPENSING with NDC.  Discussing this with our Cancer workgroup,
 they have a requirement for tracking chemotherapy treatments and are
 asking for advice on standardization of deployment.

 We are organizing our i2b2 medication metadata from NLM by ingredient
 (RXNORM) and subsuming all clinical formulations (RXNORM) and packaging
 (NDC) in a tree structure with top level organization by VA drug classes.

 I understand you are involved in a national antibiotic study and ask if
 you can provide some advice or direct me to guidance from PCORI/Sentinel
 about how we should be planning our i2b2 deployment of medication events.

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