This is great to have, but as tried to say in the NEXT-D - 4/6/17 GPC-CAP 
Bi-Weekly Meeting, we need something we can save as CSV and load into a 
database. I'm not sure what happens to strikethru formatting when this is saved 
to CSV; separate columns with yes/no or 1/0 would be more straightforward. I 
suppose I could have been more clear; the notes only say "New format will 
specify explicitly type (random/fasting) of glucose measurement as well as 
yes/no decision on keeping lab on the list ".

If one of you finds a moment to add such columns, that would be great; 
otherwise, clearly there are many of us that can make such a tweak. Alona? Mei? 
George? Maybe I'll find the time...


From: Gpc-dev [] on behalf of Kho, Abel 
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 8:56 AM
To: Campbell, James R; Black, Bernard (NU); Cook, Lindsey (NU)
Subject: Re: Next-D labs


Likewise and thanks for your insight.  I agree with your annotated version (I 
did the same after our discussion and fortunately they match 1:1).

Too bad about next week and we'll send out a draft agenda to you later today.  
We may have to update by f/u email with the call in number though as it gets 
closer to the date.



From: Campbell, James R <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 8:48 AM
To: Kho, Abel; Black, Bernard (NU); Cook, Lindsey (NU)
Subject: Next-D labs

It was a pleasure talking with you this morning.  I enclose a spreadsheet 
summarizing what I think was our discussion on blood sugars and appropriate 
codes for Next-D.  Please correct any misconceptions I might have included.

I checked my schedule and I have teaching responsibilities next Tuesday.  I 
would be happy to participate as much as possible by telecom if you think I 
might be helpful.  Can you forward a detailed agenda for Tuesday so that I 
might plan my time?

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