How much sites should expect to budget for SHINE is a very good question; in 
retrospect, perhaps I should have made it explicit long ago.

I expected it to be onerous based on a sort of "SHRINE war stories" panel I saw 
years ago at an i2b2 meeting.

Looking over how much time we've spent, I find a couple main internal tickets:

  *   #4544: 31 comments from Feb 20 to May 10 (fixed)
  *   #4291: 42 comments from Sep 21 to May 10 (ongoing)

Time corresponding to a comment ranges from a few minutes in a meeting to an 
hour to half a day. Work started in earnest after HackathonFour in January. So 
a ballpark figure is 4 person-weeks. And we're not done.

I have a vague memory that UTHSCSA estimated that getting SHRINE going didn't 
take much time. Perhaps their internal network security discussions were less 
involved? Is UTHSCSA on the SNOW SHRINE network yet?

Any other site that cares to give a ballpark time cost figure is more than 


From: Gpc-dev [] on behalf of McClay, James C 
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: SNOW SHRINE due date?

Is it just Nebraska or is the setup and configuration of the SHRINE node really 
onerous? Our sysadmin has put in HOURS and isn’t finished yet. We didn’t budget 
for all this trouble.

Anyone found an easy configuration process?

From: Gpc-dev [] On Behalf Of Dan 
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Gryzlak, Brian M <>;
Subject: RE: SNOW SHRINE due date?

The due date for 
 was April... it's now... um... May 29. You got your time machine installed and 
running, right?

I suppose June 30 should work. I tend to keep due dates on Mondays, in time for 
agenda prep for Tuesday calls, so I put June 26 in trac. That is: if you don't 
expect to make it by June 30, please let us know by June 26.

Juggling due dates SHRINE, CDM 3.1, and free text notes de-identification is 
tricky, so I expect to talk with Russ about the 
roadmap<> of milestones 

From: Gpc-dev [] on behalf of Gryzlak, Brian M 
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 4:01 PM
Subject: SNOW SHRINE due date?
Can someone (Dan, Russ?) please weigh in on when it is expected that individual 
GPC sites should have their SNOW SHRINE nodes up?  Is June 30 a realistic and 
acceptable due date?


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